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Optimizing Single cell Preparations: Avoiding the "Garbage In, Garbage Out" Pitfall

The adage "garbage in, garbage out" is a common refrain in the world of single cell analysis. While this statement holds considerable truth, it's not always clear to newcomers what constitutes "garbage" in single cell experiments. This article aims to elucidate the key factors that can impact the quality of your single cell preparations and provide strategies to mitigate these issues.

Before delving into the specifics, it's important to distinguish between the two primary types of preparations used in single cell experiments: single cells and single nuclei. While each preparation is suited for different assays and requires distinct protocols, the quality indicators we'll discuss apply to both, with some nuances that we'll highlight along the way. 

Let's explore the key factors affecting single cell preparation quality:


Clumping refers to multiple cells or nuclei adhering to one another. This phenomenon leads to multiplets in your data, where two or more cells become indistinguishable post-sequencing. While bioinformatic tools can help identify multiplets, they're not infallible and result in wasted reads. 

Clumping typically occurs due to incomplete tissue digestion or dissociated cells sticking together. To mitigate this issue, it's crucial to optimize your tissue digestion protocols. This may involve selecting appropriate enzymes, adjusting incubation times, or implementing mechanical disruption and agitation techniques. Incorporating BSA and DNase into your buffers can also help reduce clumping, though it's important to verify their compatibility with your downstream assays. 

In some cases, cell or nuclei sorting can be employed to remove multiplets. However, this approach requires substantial starting material and can significantly increase preparation time, so it should be considered carefully in the context of your experimental design.


Debris appears as small, irregularly shaped particles in the cell suspension. While minimal debris is tolerable, significant amounts can lead to high background noise and inaccurate quantification. Debris often has a less defined shape compared to cells or nuclei and typically remains unlabeled by nuclear stains. 

To reduce debris in your preparations, several methods can be employed. Filtering and additional wash steps are common first-line approaches. For more stubborn debris, density gradient cleanups using substances like sucrose or iodixanol can be effective. Cell or nuclei sorting is another option, though it comes with the same considerations mentioned for clumping removal. 

Some tissues produce unique types of debris, such as myelin from neuronal preparations. In these cases, specific debris removal kits are available and can be particularly useful. It's worth noting that all cleanup methods result in some degree of cell loss. Therefore, it's often necessary to strike a balance between debris removal and maintaining adequate cell numbers for your experiment.

Membrane Integrity

While less obvious, membrane integrity is crucial for obtaining high-quality data. Cells or nuclei with compromised membranes contain less quantifiable material and contribute to high background noise. For cells, membrane integrity can be assessed using viability stains such as trypan blue (which stains dead cells) or AO/PI (which differentially stain live and dead cells). 

Assessing membrane integrity in nuclei preparations requires a different approach. Under high magnification, look for smooth, round nuclei. If they appear lumpy or "blebbing," this indicates compromised membrane integrity and potential leakage of nuclear contents. 

To optimize membrane integrity, you may need to adjust your dissociation or lysis times. Modifying the intensity of mechanical disruption can also help. If you're working with nuclei preparations and find a significant number of intact cells, increasing lysis time and mechanical disruption should improve your results. 

In conclusion, while these guidelines provide a solid foundation, it's important to remember that no single cell or single nuclei preparation is perfect. Different tissues and experimental goals may require unique approaches. Some methods may work immediately, while others will need optimization. By understanding what to look for and how to address common issues, you'll be better equipped to generate high-quality single cell data and avoid the "garbage in, garbage out" scenario. Remember, the key to success lies in careful observation, thoughtful optimization, and a willingness to adapt your protocols to the specific needs of your experimental system. 

If you have any questions about sample preparation, feel free to contact us.